About.ANWICU is an organisation that links together the intensive care units of the North West of England.
Established in the mid 1990sANWICU was first established in the mid 1990s following a meeting of like minds at the Netherwood Hotel in Grange-over-Sands. It was built on the back of the commitment of a group of clinicians to establish regular meetings, as well as develop a much needed political pressure group on issues such as transfers. Read more here.
Our GoalSince the success of the group in contributing to many of the initial political challenges, ANWICU has focused on providing the benefits of such a network to its members. This includes the regular programme of meetings, research and educational activity, and the contacts and support that arises from connection across the region.
Our Team
Dr Matt Jackson
Dr Carl Oakden
Dr Emma Tant
Dr Sophie Kreppel
Dr Sofia Thorell